Sunday, January 22, 2012

Soul Songs

Soul Songs
Songs of the Soul
Collage of feeling,
Open the door,
make the Unseen
enter the Sacred,
sing the Soul's Song.

Please come and play along.

Through the work of Seena  B Frost's SoulCollage I have discovered a wonderful medium of playing, creating and uncovering!  SoulCollage is a structured technique with certain ground rules.  It is ideal for self-reflection and group work and it is facilitated by trained SoulCollage Facilitators (which I am not).  I started playing with soul collages, based on her book and I have become completely hooked onto collage cards.    Then they started appearing in my dreams and in my art.  Previously I would try to reproduce all my visions and insights onto canvas, but it took so long that my sketch journal just became thicker and thicker and I could not paint fast enough.  However, making collage cards are simple and quick and they are beautiful!

And now I invite you to play along with myself in Soul Songs every Sunday here on The Path of Divine Love.

I invite you to create a collage card making the invisible in yourself visible.  You create the card from the soft focus of your right brain and you set the intent that that which is hidden, be unveiled through its coming together.  I use an A5 board card to glue the images onto.  I mainly use magazine clippings and paper images from my folder of collected images. I find many old magazines at local charity stores.  Old magazines, especially the old National Geographics, have wonderful 'new' images. Digital artists probably have a digital folder filled with images - this will work wonderfully! You can continue to add to your image collection over time and allow your intuitive self to lead you.  Do not plan too much.  Maybe at times of change or insight, you may want to create a specific collage card honouring that stage in your life, or facilitating the change or transformation or to support a new resolution.  Decide on the subject only and allow your eye to guide you to the images.  Play around for a while with the images, but do not apply your art rules to the collage - there are no rules - that is the fun of it!  You will be amazed to discover how your Inner Artist puts together a powerful and evocative image;  one that gives you a deeper look into the sacred.  

Once you have collated the card, you want to find the Song of your Soul that is held in the inner chamber of this card.  We are part of the infinite and we have many many songs just waiting to be heard!

For the Soul Song I chose the lyrical style of poetry - it is simple and powerful.  I quote :  The term lyric is now used to mean any short poem expressing a poet's thoughts or feelings. Originally it referred to poems which were sung to the accompaniment of a musical instrument, the lyre. A lyric poem has been defined as "the expression by the poet of his own feelings"(John Ruskin). This definition points to the personal quality of lyrical poetry. It is characterised by the presence of emotion. The emotions and moods are directly expressed by a single speaker who wants to share them with the reader. 

So, here goes :

Passionate desire 
creation fulfilled
living a purpose filled life
such is the Law of Love

Try your hand at it, link up below and visit everyone else's Soul Songs.  


  1. Hettienne,
    These are divinely beautiful and such a wonderful expression of you. I know that Fran does Soul Collage cards too. I would very much like to join in. Currently I am writing my thesis. I just turned in the first draft and have to spend all my time revising toward the final. It has been years and I never thought that I would make it, so as soon as I am through, I will be happy to be part of this. You are an inspiration my friend. Thank you for the lovely invitation and I hope that you understand.

  2. Hetienne, what a wonderful space you have created for SoulCollagers. I'm just getting prepared to lead a journal group, but if not tonight, I will definitely post a card tomorrow. I LOVE your work and encourage you to consider becoming a facilitator. There are trainings around the world these days.

  3. What a wonderful exercise! I hope to participate in a couple of weeks. Right now my workload at the mundane and preparing for house guests has me in full tilt mode. Not in a condusive head/heart space for this wonderful adventure until after 2/6/12.
    Looking forward til then,
    Always, Queenie

  4. I'm back with my dance card--which is in my Committee suit, by the way. Remind me again of where you live. When is your training and do you know who will facilitate? I KNOW you will love it!

  5. And now I'm back with a Thomas Merton card you encouraged me to make.


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