Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary

Hettienne Grobler Art - Cloister of the Heart - Rose Queen and Rose Child - Sacred Altars of the Mysteries Tarot Deck - www.path-of-divine-love.com


A re-telling of old stories; 
an imagining of sacred stories
transcending religion, dogma and
politics; a re-weaving of tales of wonder and
a new sacred thread is formed as the
Goddess and the Gospel of Love 
merge to tell a most wondrous tale 
of the Kingdom of the Honey Bee within,
of magical gardens filled with the fragrance
of garlands of roses and where
Knights and Princesses come back to life
as we collectively dream of a new mythos,
a new world of possibilities and healing.

The magical tarot deck of the
Mysteries of Mary is being born.

I have been working on the Tarot and its correspondences
since I was a teenager.  And on the a Mysteries Mary deck
the past few years and it is finally coming together.
If you would like to see it unfolding,
join my blog at www.hergracesacredart.com


  1. I look forward to seeing more cards as you create your deck.

  2. I look forward to seeing more cards as you create your deck.


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